D-Ring Forged steel, heat treated 100% proof loaded to 3600 lbs / 16 kN Min.Breaking load : 5000 lbs /23 kN Meets :ANSIZ359.12-09 Net weight : 5.0 oz./142 g
The position of the D-ring reduces strain on the wearer’s body and keeps the wearer upright in the harness during and after a fall. Some safety harnesses have additional D-rings on the shoulders, hips, or chest that allow them to be used for positioning, ladder climbing, and raising or lowering workers into confined spaces.
Full-body fall protection harnesses are designed with a variety of D-ring configurations. It is the location of the employed D-ring that determines the fall protection applications the harness can be used in (provided that the equipment manufacturer also approves use in the application), so it is important to select a harness suitable for your particular job.
All full body harnesses are required to be designed with a dorsal (back) D-ring, however D-rings may also be present at the shoulders, hips/side, and sternum (chest). There are other potential D-ring locations, but for our purposes we are going to focus on the big four: dorsal, sternum, side, and shoulder.